
[SNS] 190218 パクチニョン Instagram 社長からニックンへ (20:24)

[SNS] 190218 パクチニョン Instagram 社長からニックンへ (20:24)




#2PM #NICHKHUN #닉쿤 #ME #LuckyCharm 앨범 제목이 Me인 만큼 정말 닉쿤 본인의 정성이 많이 들어간 앨범이니 귀 기울여 들어주세요. 그가 직접 쓴 가사와 멜로디들을 통해 그의 마음과 섬세한 감수성이 정말 잘 드러나요^^ As the album name ‘Me’, you can really feel his heart and artistic emotions through the lyrics and melodies he personally wrote. Make sure to take time and listen to it 🙂

J.Y. Parkさん(@asiansoul_jyp)がシェアした投稿 –

#2PM #NICHKHUN #닉쿤 #ME#LuckyCharm

앨범 제목이 Me인 만큼 정말 닉쿤 본인의 정성이 많이 들어간 앨범이니 귀 기울여 들어주세요.
그가 직접 쓴 가사와 멜로디들을 통해 그의 마음과 섬세한 감수성이 정말 잘 드러나요^^
As the album name ‘Me’, you can really feel his heart and artistic emotions through the lyrics and melodies he personally wrote. Make sure to take time and listen to it 🙂

#2PM #NICHKHUN #닉쿤 #ME#LuckyCharm

彼が自ら書いた歌詞とメロディを通して彼の心と繊細な感受性が本当によく表れています^^ As the album name ‘Me’, you can really feel his heart and artistic emotions through the lyrics and melodies he personally wrote. Make sure to take time and listen to it 🙂

<<前の記事 190218 ニックン バンコク入国 fancam (仁川 / バンコク)

2月23日 ニックン ME サイン会案内 (永登浦) 次の記事>>


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